

【Efforts Toward Preventing Tire Detachment Accidents】

The occurrence of wheel detachment accidents involving large vehicles has become a serious issue in the automotive society, with the number of accidents increasing nearly eightfold over the past decade.

Since October 1, 2023, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism has amended the ‘Operation of the Maintenance Manager System Regarding the Enforcement of Laws Amending Part of the Road Transport Vehicle Act, etc., Related to Wheel Detachment Accidents of Large Vehicles,’ adding administrative penalties and other measures.

As a result, the IB Group, in collaboration with the tire shop Reve, has started implementing the installation of Nord-Lock wheel nuts (from Nord-Lock) on the left rear wheel of all large vehicles. We are sequentially attaching tire detachment prevention stickers to the corresponding vehicles.

The IB Group is committed to preventing wheel detachment accidents across the entire group.